
Should An Image Have Text On It?

Short answer: 


Long answer with an explanation that is actually helpful:

No, for search engine optimization (SEO) reasons. Often when designing your site you are limited by your own knowledge because while we like to think we can do it all...we really can't. This happens a lot when designing a webpage or module that you want to look just so but don't actually know how to do in 3StepSolutions or any website developer tool. 

But an image and the text you want on the page still need to be two separate things and here's the reason why: when Google or any other search engine looks over your site (indexes it) they cannot read images like we can read images, so the text is meaningless. You could include all the keywords that would help you rank in search engines and answers everyones questions that your an expert on, but if it's in a picture, that work won't matter.

There are a few exceptions though, such as on a blog article image or on a smaller scale where the text in the image is repeated somewhere else on the page.

End of the story:

So while it may not be the exactly the image in your head, by putting your text on the page instead of on the image you are helping to grow your organic website visitation.

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